Disillusioned NYCFC Fan Seeks Comfort In Red Bull

NEW YORK - Bradford Granderson was enticed to New York City FC by the lure of cosmopolitan, metro accessed soccer. However, now that the gleam is off the shine, he has reportedly started looking at other, more successful teams in the area.

"I wanted to watch soccer in New York City, but I also want to watch winning, beautiful soccer. The only thing beautiful about NYCFC right now is the subway ride there. Other than that it has been awful. A terrible, cramped field; and a team that coughs up games. I might as well go over to New Jersey."

Mr. Granderson admitted to The Nutmeg News that he had started to look over at Red Bull New York while realizing that Harrison, NJ isn't that far away.

"I'm not all in on this yet, I could still switch out my season tickets from NYCFC to RBNY. I mean, they are playing well and winning and honestly, I'd rather not go out to the Bronx anyway. At this point, if RBNY keep winning and NYCFC keep losing I might sit on a neutral side when the two teams play each other. I can let them play for my affection and whoever wins, will get a new fan. Perhaps I'll make a split kit for the match to reflect my inner turmoil. My other option is to do what I've already done, which is to ignore both teams and just watch more Chelsea games. That really seems like the logical thing to do."

