English Dildo Expert Disavows Association With Toronto Cowards

Bristol, ENG - English television dildo expert James Hendry disavowed any association with the cowards that told a Toronto reporter they would "fuck her right in the pussy" and then blamed him for the inspiration, the Nutmeg News was able to learn.

Our reporters caught up with Mr Hendry at his house in Bristol, just off the A4 in Totterdown. "I would never do that to a woman reporter" said Mr Hendry, "I mean it just makes you look like  a complete twat. My stuff is completely ridiculous, but I try to have a code. I'm not going to attack women and I'm definitely not going to do that on game day against a person just trying to get 'man on the street' perspective."

Mr Hendry's work (as shown above) has now, in the grand tradition of all things soccer in North America, been reduced to horrible, idiotic imitation as douchebag Toronto Football Club fans decided to show that idiocy abroad can contaminate the idiotic closer to home.

While Mr Hendry appeared to be un-apologetic for his dildo exploits, he had a word to say for the men in Toronto. "You guys are arseholes." 

When asked how he can employ the cognitive dissonance of enjoying dildoing a mans ear in England but disliking men threatening to do it to a woman in Toronto, Mr Hendry replied, "because they weren't trying to be funny, they weren't trying to be absurd, they were trying to be bro, asshole idiots who threatened a woman and then doubled down on it by referring to something as idiotic as what I did. Just because I'm out there being a moron, doesn't give them the right to scream their vulgar idiotic misconceptions at someone doing their job. I mean, what kind of man goes around screaming sexually explicit things at women on the street? I'll tell you who does that, they are called assholes."

The Nutmeg News will continue part 456 of our never ending story of "Assholes In America: The Story Of Drunk Fans" next week with "The person who can't stop yelling misogynistic things to players on the field"
