Calgary To Hold First Combined International Rodeo and Soccer Tournament

Calgary, AB - Calgary Foothills SC has announced that in partnership with their upcoming May 17th game in the Premier Development League they will be launching the first ever International Rodeo and Soccer Tournament to be held on the dusty slopes of Nose Hill Park in Calgary, Alberta.

"This is the first time where the sport of Rodeo and the sport of Soccer will be combined to created a hybrid bulldogging, fast paced, pass and move, rope some cattle experience," said Foothills SC director of Public Relations Dave McCarry. "We are going to run this as a two week long event where we rotate both rodeo events and soccer games with the rodeo events deciding how much on aggregate the various teams are up or down before they enter the field. In this way, a man who gets his team a point in the bareback event will also allow his team to be a goal up before they even enter the field."

McCarry went on to illustrate the need for such cross branding. "We here in Calgary take our sports seriously and in order to show that soccer isn't just a sport for kids when the ponds aren't frozen over and the Stampede aren't on Television, we need to pump up the soccer action a bit. Imagine watching Laurent Ciman from Montreal trying to ride a bull for 8 seconds and then attempting to steer wrestle before he has to put in 90 minutes against Jozy Altidore. This situation will be endlessly entertaining."

Despite the interest shown in the combined event, Mr McCarry indicated that he had one other trick up his sleeve, "The highlight of the weekend will be during the final where in the last 5 minutes of the game we will have a greased calf scramble that all the players who make the final must participate in while trying to finish the game. First team to catch the calf and score a goal gets an extra 10 points."

The Nutmeg News will continue covering developments in Alberta as they happen.
