New England Revolution Supporters Group Banner Display Highlights Split Between Dadaists, Minimalists, and Appropriation Art

Foxborough, MA - Tensions between rival gangs of Dadists, Minimalists, Appropriation Art devotees and neo-conceptional post-revolutionary art punks (who primarily work in collage and mixed media) grew to a boil on Saturday as the Dadaists took direct aim at the Minimalists and Appropriation Art Collage Specialists for their betrayal of ideals.

Reportedly, the Dadaists took offense that the tifo display wasn't against intellectual conformity and while they approved of the collage method of combining Spanish and pre-revolutionary war graphics, they were against the usage of war and bull fighting iconography to make a point.

In retaliation, the Dadaists attached a drum to the tifo rigging for the display against Red Bull New York which was then hoisted high up into the air.

Drum On Netting - By Bourgeoisie Overreach - 2015

Drum On Netting - By Bourgeoisie Overreach - 2015

The Nutmeg News spoke with the leader of the New England Revolution Society A La Dada, a man who called himself Bourgeoisie Overreach. 

"We felt that the appropriation of culture may have been acceptable but the condoning of slaughter violated our own sensibilities. Our art is not necessarily anti-war, but we are indeed anti-art and this idea of "Drum On Netting" was built out of our need to express our hatred of the establishment and of the capitalistic sociopaths that run the coffers of our tifo, our club, and our country."

The Nutmeg News can also confirm that there was a split between the Art Appropriation Movement and the Minimalist movement within the tifo groups of New England after the minimalists wished to merely show a red piece of fabric as a way to open up the gateway of perception to those that appeared to need words and pictures to depict the act of bull fighting. 

This split has lead to two new factions in the Revolution tifo art scene. These two groups are comprised of the Art Minimalist Decoupage Socialists Anti-Fascist Collective who is directly positioned against the New Pop Art Anti-Fascist Pre-Postmodern Anarchy Society. Both groups will battle against each other for control of the space between the fonts going forward on Revolution tifo and for control of the type of free white zinfandel served at the art installation after party.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this new art battle in Boston as it happens.

