As Sure As Bros Don Sleeveless Shirts For Summer, The MLS Season Brings us "The Annual Changing Of The Rules"

Man once used the sun and stars to tell time and direction with the solstice showing the longest and shortest days of the year, but in recent years (due to human evolution) the modern soccer fan tells time by the annual "changing of the rules" by Major League Soccer.

"It must be summer again" said reporter Adlai Thomassan. "This is the annual time where Major League Soccer decides to change the rules without people knowing exactly what they are until players are acquired and semi-outraged reporters vent their anger at the lack of knowledge out on twitter."

TNN Reporter Geoffrey Brandice had the following to say, "I set my sense of time about the world to the Changing Of The Rules. We all use this reset to say that it is summer and that we are now on the long slow pivot back to winter. It marks half the season and the opening of the new transfer window."

Vancouver Whitecaps fan Stephanie Franco stated, "Ah the annual changing of the rules, it reminds me of summer and the changing of the season on the way to fall. Usually the changing of the rules heightens my anticipation of the fall playoff races."

While the Changing Of The Rules is not an official season change yet, this annual occurrence blesses those in the soccer world with the ever insane machinations of a league that just loves to find excuses to confuse the ever loving shit out of people.

"What does the Changing Of The Rules mean to me?" said Revolution front office employee Sherrill Jordan. "It means grills, bar-b-q, going to the pool, and long slow summer days where we talk about how we are going to try to use these new rules to do something before that player just goes to Los Angeles instead."

