Brek Shea To Consider Changing Name To "Deez Nuts"

Orlando, FL - Soccer player, painter and connoisseur of Stoke-on-Trent history, Brek Shea, has announced that he is considering a "Chad Ochocinco" name change to Deez Nuts in an effort to re-brand and rebuild his soccer career.

"I noticed during the recent presidential election that there was a significant groundswell of support for Deez Nuts and I knew that I could capitalize on this. Imagine thousands of kids in the Orlando stands with freshly minted Deez Nuts OCSC kits. Imagine people in the stands singing, 'Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTS' when I score a goal. This is a really amazing chance to start over, start fresh and build myself the kind of career I can be proud of.

Imagine all the people....... singing Deez Nuts to me.... oh ooooh oh oh.... You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one.

Imagine all the people....... singing Deez Nuts to me.... oh ooooh oh oh.... You may say I'm a dreamer... but I'm not the only one.

While Shea admits that this is a controversial idea that may lose him some sponsorship's he says that he will be able to make it up with new more youth oriented sponsors in the future.

"We are in conversations with the WWE for some kind of wrestling tie in, with the Waffle House and with NASCAR. We are also in contact with Truck Nutz, the ultimate truck accessory, to have a Deez Nuts/Brek Shea analog to hang on the back of your truck. Imagine THOSE possibilities, especially financially. All these sponsors have indicated that they would be interested in giving us money if I change my name to Deez Nuts. Just wait for it! Deez Nuts in your GOALMOUTH!"



The Nutmeg News will have more on this as it slowly happens.
