Soccer Fans Worried That 55 Year Old Man In Sports Bar Will Ask Them To Change Channel To Baseball

NEW YORK - Soccer fans gathered at Mr. Dennehy's in the West Village were reportedly suspicious when 55 year old James Murphy walked into the location that the man who was described as, "old as hell," would ask them to change the television station to Baseball.

"Ok, so we are going to go back in there and tell that bartender to tell that bouncer to tell that guy, once and for all, that we AREN'T CHANGING THE CHANNEL."

"He looked like the type," stated 22 year old Dominic Hughes. "You know what I'm talking about.... he was old, I bet he likes Baseball."

Reportedly, fans immediately became suspicious of Murphy when they realized that he was at least 30 years older than most of them, that he still smoked cigarettes instead of vaping, and that he asked for a "black and tan" at the bar.

"Look, if he asks for the Yankee Game, we will just politely ask the bartender to ask him to be quiet," stated Hughes to his friends. "If he gets physical, then we can ask the staff to tell the bouncers to eject him. We were here first."

Reportedly, Murphy was just trying to get a pint and a place where he could watch a replay of the recent international game between Scotland and Lithuania. However, he was unable to finish his drink as a coalition of angst ridden youth approached him to tell him that in no uncertain terms they would NOT be changing the channel to Baseball and that they would be getting the staff involved, no matter what he says.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Murphy attempts to convince the youths that he actually has been watching soccer for longer than they have been alive.

