Gainesville, FL - Promotion and Relegation advocate James Smith doesn't know why, "assholes and pricks," won't help him advocate for a complete regime change and playing system overhaul of US Soccer as he belligerently berated every supporters group in the country for enabling the current system.
It's YOUR fault that Promotion and Relegation isn't happening tomorrow you stupid asshole! And your stupid kids. And your stupid team. And your stupid fellow supporters. YOUR FAULT. I'm doing ALL the heavy lifting.
Now, could you please help me out?
"YOU SUPPORTERS ARE ALL ASSHOLES AND PRICKS, WHY WONT YOU LISTEN TO ME," ranted Smith on his Twitter account @PRForUSAYouGuysOtherwiseYouAreAnAsshole.
"If more of you assholes would advocate for Promotion and Relegation we would have it right now," ranted Smith to every supporters group in MLS, NASL, NPSL and the USL as he tailored his message to ensure that he insulted every single member in as specific a way as possible.
"This is all just to get you fired up, because I'm TRYING to make you mad so that you lash out at Garber. All of you.... ALL OF YOU, deserve to get punched in the face, by me."
Reportedly, Smith thinks that frequently insulting, demeaning and being a lout online will engender support to his cause as he states, "The more I tell them how much they suck, they are awful, they are sheep, they are the root cause of all the problem, the more they are going to want to help out. IT IS SIMPLE LOGIC."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this Smith decides to tell his friend Dave that he is fat, ugly, lazy, and worthless in order to try to get his help while moving apartments.