Boise, ID - United States Soccer fan Harold Bunetta recently reached a milestone as he flooded the social media site Reddit with the 18th consecutive article, today, about firing Klinsmann.
Photograph: Dennis Grombkowski - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images
"We lost to Costa Rica and Mexico! Klinsmann must go!" ranted Bunetta in the comments section of every single article that is calling for the firing of the coach. "This is unacceptable. We must take back control of our soccer team without handing it over to no knowing foreigners!"
Reportedly, Bunetta has exhaustively ranted against Klinsmann since the end of the World Cup when he started following the national team.
"I'm furious, I'm pissed, I want him gone and if I have to submit 33 articles about Klinsmann needing to be fired and clog the front page of every subreddit about soccer, I will do so. I'm also crossposting this to my Facebook feed. I don't care if I'm hemorrhaging followers, at this point. It will be worth it when all my efforts get this cancer out of our team."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Bunetta admits he will be against any United States coach that doesn't win the World Cup.