Seattle, WA - Sounders fan Gary Newcombe admitted, while travelling home to Pullman, that he hoped that this year the Thanksgiving conversation would stay on how much soccer sucks instead of running into 3 days of political conversations like previous years.
Home sweet home..... oh god... Uncle Randy is coming this year?
"Before, the worst thing that would happen is that my cousins would tell me how stupid I was for liking the Sounders and spend the whole weekend talking about Cougar football," stated Newcombe to The Nutmeg News. "This year, I pray to all the gods holy and unholy that we spend the weekend talking about Cougar Football and how much soccer sucks."
Reportedly, Newcombe is dreading the invitable shift towards politics that his family gatherings seem to produce and in an effort to combat that he has taken to memorize statistics and games from this years WSU season in order to stave off the dramatic shift towards arguments that this Thanksgiving may bring.
"I'm loaded for bear this time. I have a SOCCER IS STUPID t-shirt that I made from cafepress, a litany of statistics from the 2016 college football season, three youtube videos that show much soccer players are divers, and I even purchased some random WSU memorabilia to give away to completely shock people into silence. If none of that works, I plan on obstinately making everyone watch a Sounders game replay on MLS Live until they won't do anything but complain about the game or leave. If THAT doesn't work then I'm going full atomic bomb if necessary even if that means that I come out in head to toe Huskies gear just to piss everyone off enough for them to stop talking Clinton/Trump."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as none of this actually works.