The Nutmeg News Top 10 Top 10 Soccer New Year List List - Top 10!

There's nothing that soccer publications love better than an end of year, "we are too tired and too lazy to write another damn column so here is a Top 10 list of something" list. 

So, in that light, here is The Nutmeg News' Top 10 Top 10 Soccer list for Top 10 Lists published about the Top 10 events in Soccer in 2016, that made an editor's top 10 list. #top10

#1 Sports Illustrated - The Top 10 Soccer Stories Of 2016

They've collated the stories that have the most impact, except for that Bob Bradley stuff. They didn't, however, add in Grant Wahl's tour of the best coffee shops in Toronto as learned by looking at Yelp.

#2 World Soccer Talk - Top 10 Soccer Co-Commentators

Haven't you ever wondered where your favorite co-commentator matches up to the rest of the world? You must be a joy at parties with your recitation of the commentating statistics.


#3 Urban Pitch - Top 10 Tekkers New Year Edition

Tekkers is the kind of word that makes our editorial staff feel like freebasing Geritol and yelling at kids to get off of things while asking what the deal is with that Beiber fella and why didn't Wilford Brimley get more acting roles. However, if you are into tekkers than this article is ON FLEEK!

#4 THE FOX SPORTS DOUBLE DIP - Best Teams of 2016

Need to know how that team you randomly picked up during your four day trip to "find yourself" through Spain is doing this season? You know? That reason why you support one of the biggest and most successful clubs in all the world?

#5 THE FOX SPORTS DOUBLE DIP - Best Soccer Matches 2016

Most of you didn't go to any of these, but wasn't the atmosphere resplendent through the television?

#6 Empire Of Soccer - Top WOSO Stories Of 2016 Morgan Going To France Fiasco At Fronteir Field CBA

We LOVE Empire Of Soccer. At least, we think we do. I mean, maybe we are just fine with Empire Of Soccer... After all, when was the last time they called. Look, we are good. Mostly.

 LOOK AT THE LENGTH OF THAT URL. That's almost as bad as some of our crap.

#7 - The Austin Chronicle - Top 10 Soccer Stories Of 2016

The continuing saga of the Aztex aside, We had to include them! Keep Austin weird and reading while their neighborhoods gentrify!

#8 - US Soccer - Women's National Team Top 10 Goals Of 2016

GOALS! VIDEOS! GOALS! The US Women played roughly 3,245 games so they had a lot of goals from which to choose.

#9 - Upper 90 Soccer store- Top Kits Of 2016

The most incomprehensible list because it isn't a list, per se. It's hard to tell what's going on here other than New York's Soccer Store is trying to sell you some kits. This is the kind of clickbait we can all depend upon!

#10 - Major League Soccer Soccer DOT Com - BEST MLS 2016 TOP 10 MOMENTS

We put this last mostly to see if Andrew Weibe or Alicia Rodriguez was reading all the way through things. If so, Here's your list. WE HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY. 

We didn't even look at this one other than to screen cap the page, but hey.... It's got soccer, so that's a good thing.

