King Of Prussia, PA - Soccer fan Paulette Navens admitted that she was still enormously concerned by the lack of fullbacks on the Major League Soccer Best 11 list as she took to the internet to ensure that people knew about her outrage on the highly subjective list.
There's no fullbacks? NONE?
"There's no fullbacks on the list and let me tell you why that's a problem 1/32 #MLS #Worst11," stated Ms. Navens in a tweet storm that took the internet by tepid storm.
By the time that Navens finished her 32 consecutive tweets she admitted that her hope was that her unending righteous indignation would, at least, force the editors and talking heads that put together the MLS Best 11 list to reconsider their, "dangerous infatuation with players on offense."
"I will get them to more accurately condense a list of real world best 11 list of players as would work in a roster," stated Navens online in her 33rd tweet tagged at MLS editors and writers. "This injustice will not stand. It's almost like the editors had fun putting together a subjective list of good players that really means absolutely nothing in the end one way or the other instead of spending days correlating pieces of data that shows exactly who is the best 11 in the league. Granted, I could be doing all sorts of things that would better serve my time, but just like your publication... I like wasting my time."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this once we recover from that burn.