Arlington, TX - FC Dallas fan Dale Lewiston has begun preparation for the July 31st home game against the Vancouver Whitecaps.
"Getting your mind right is an important part of the process. I like to think about the Cowboys." - Dale Lewiston
With FC Dallas only playing one game before 8:00 pm at home during the summer months, Lewiston has realized the value in preparing for the upcoming sufferfest that is a 5:00 pm July 31st home game. With a max temperature of over 100 degrees on July 31st for the past three years, Lewiston began his training now in order to reap the greatest benefits.
"Well, I set up my barbecue grill inside a local sauna and I've been working on my tolerance to the early game by drinking and grilling up a whole mess of taters and beans and hot dogs in this sauna, just good wholesome food," stated Mr Lewiston to The Nutmeg News on Tuesday. "I've been doing so wearing my customary gear which includes my favorite jeans, a long sleeve button down and a baseball cap. I need to ensure authenticity to the situation and build up my tolerance."
Mr Lewiston has tickets in section 132 on the east side of the stadium where the setting sun routinely cooks the entire east end before settling down to a balmy 95 degrees.
"I find it important to cross train so I'm mixing Budweiser with Shiner this season," stated Lewiston. "I'm also cross training by doing my beer drinking partially in the sauna and then partially out to ensure that I don't wilt when the sun goes down. It's important to make certain that I can drink at all times. Eventually, when my tolerance level goes up, I'm going to mix in some Titos to ensure I can handle the random cocktail that my friend Jeff likes to throw my way."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this when Mr Lewiston suffers a training set back by having his Budweiser replaced with mineral water.