Goku and Krillin To Appear In New "River Dog Z" Adaptation

Rochester, NY - Daisuke Nishio, the longtime director of Dragon Ball Z, has confirmed that Goku and Krillin will make appearances in the new River Dog Z soccer adaptation of the long time Anime series.

With the plot revolving around Goku attempting to fight a reanimated Frieza who has made a pact with the Ginyu Force and Vegeta to create a new force of soccer playing mercenaries that will train utilizing mysterious European methodologies to attain the Super Saiyan form in order to win the Club World Cup and enslave the world, fans are reportedly tepidly looking ahead to the release even if utilizing the "z" convention in a soccer series is just a massive affectation and enormously silly.

"I don't know, the anime and soccer thing seems a little bizarre in the world of Dragon Ball Z, but I suppose that it makes sense. I mean, it makes a lot more sense than naming your team River DogZ which, without the Anime connection, would just be mental," stated Dragon Ball Z fan Harvey Newsome. "Fortunately, I plan on scooping up all the merchandise from River Dog Z to complete my Dragon Ball Z collection."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as River Dog Z fans prepare to be disappointed.
