After Devastating Fire, NWSL Teams Raise Awareness... But Won't Raise Salaries For Players

Boyds, MD - After a devastating house fire that robbed NWSL players Tiffany Weimer and Tori Huster of nearly all their possessions, most of the entire sports world including the NWSL and MLS teams that own a scant few of them again shrugged their shoulders and stated, "ah, they should be fine to rebuild their life on their $6,842 salary".



The Nutmeg News interviewed anonymous front office workers across the NWSL to get their viewpoint on the tragedy and they had the following to say.

"Look, its fine for us to tweet about the tragedy, that only takes a few seconds of our time. We might even donate some money, but we will be DAMNED if we raise the minimum salary above $6,842 dollars. Anyone should be able to rebuild their life on 1k per month," stated an anonymous staffer from an east coast NWSL team.

"Donate? Fine. But fuck'em if they think we are going to pay them a living wage. We are talking about women and sports here," stated one MLS team that owns an NWSL team. "If we had our way we would be using even more unpaid amateurs. Do you know what the profit margin is on a team when you don't pay the players and you sell just 5k tickets? AMAZING. Hell, as far as we are concerned, the only women that should be making money are the ones that make money for us. What we say is that we will think about giving you 36k per year if you are willing to pose for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and the body edition of ESPN The Magazine."

The Nutmeg News spoke to an association of Starbucks baristas about the tragedy and they had the following to say, "We tried to get Tiffany to join us here. After all, she would actually have health insurance, a guaranteed wage that far exceeds playing soccer, and the ability to set a decent schedule. As it is, though, all we could guarantee her was part time work when the season was over."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as a pizza delivery guy realizes he makes more than Tiffany Weimer and Tori Huster.

