Columbus, OH - Crew fan Kerry Oliver admitted that he didn't get what he wanted for Crewsmas on Saturday.
"No presents were left under the Crewsmas tree,
except a Gatorade bottle filled with Pedialyte for three."
"I simply asked for a Lego Crew set, a Crew stunt set with movable Hejduk action figure and CREWcycle that can jump the CREWramp over the light on fire Crew stadium jumbotron, a Nintendo Entertainment System with Nintendo World Cup, and three points," stated a morose Mr Oliver to his girlfriend Sandra on Tuesday.
Mr Oliver admitted that the usual harmony and discord of Crewsmas was rendered shabby when he thought about all the points left on the table.
"I look forward to Crewsmas every year, and without three points... well.... the arguing, the family drama, the inevitable blow ups against each other, the threat of someone stating, 'fuck this, i'm leaving' before they come back with beer all just rings hollow."
Mr Oliver said that the only thing that would make him feel happy after such a disappointing Crewsmas was to sing his favorite song as he starting singing for our onsite reporter....
"Over E Hudson and past Crestview to Mapfre we will go, with Pipa we sing and Kamara will ring the post with goal upon goal OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Over E Hudson and past Crestview to Mapfre we will go........"
Mr Oliver attempted to finish his song that was gathering steam with his friends when he was interrupted by another group singing
"Feliz Crewzidad"
And our Nutmeg News reporter left with both groups arguing about which song they should continue singing at the post loss tailgate.