NEW YORK - Two games played and two games lost have told Russel Pearson everything he needs to know about the 2016 Red Bull New York season.
"We are shit again. I know it and you should know it. We are only going to be shit this season," stated Mr Pearson to his friends at work.
Despite the minuscule sample size of two games, Mr Pearson has decided to run with a summation of the 2016 season and declare that the team is, in fact, totally shit and will not win anything.
"There's no chance of anything good happening with the remaining 32 games," ranted Mr Pearson to his friend Cliff Houseman. "We are watching the slow, inevitable decline from our glory days and we will eventually return to state of abject misery. I can tell this by the first two games of this season, and I can tell you that we were all wrong in 2015. May god have mercy on our souls."
The Nutmeg News will revisit with Mr Pearson when Red Bull New York go on a 4 game winning streak.