Orlando, FL - Orlando City fan Dominic Green reportedly still cannot pronounce Cyle Larin's name correctly.
"It's like Kyle with a K, but it is with a C! CMON!"
"I can't help myself," stated Mr Green to The Nutmeg News on Wednesday. "It's Sigh-el SIGH EL SIGH EL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," he screamed before running down the hall of his apartment complex batting the sides of his head.
Mr Green found out that he was still doing this when he mispronounced Cyle's name at the tailgate before the March 11th home game against the Chicago Fire.
"You mean Cyle?" stated Mr Green's friend Jeremy before he and 4 other friends relentlessly teased him for the rest of the game.
"Every time I read his name in print it resets all the understanding of the correct way to pronounce it in my head," screamed Mr Green into a cellphone that was clearly off. "I'll learn! I'll learn! The problem is in my head! It's my head that's the problem! I'm not the problem, it's all up here! I'm going to stop reading things! IT's KYLE ! ITS KYLE ! ITS KYYYYYYYYYYLEEEEEEEEEEEEE."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this story when our request to visit Mr Green at La Amistad Behavorial Health Services is granted.