MONTREAL - Soccer fan Heather Goldenjay has admitted that she is unsure of whether or not she speaks enough French to become a Montreal Impact fan.
Allez! ALLEZ!
(opens up Berlitz French to English dictionary)
"I came here without a huge background in speaking French other than the two weeks I spent in Lille four years ago on a student immersion program," stated Ms. Goldenjay. " As it turns out, that may not have been enough to break into supporting the Impact. Frankly, the only French that I can remember anymore is Bonjour, Ouvert, Ferme, Allez and, because of Tim Hortons, toujours frais."
Ms. Goldenjay admits that she while she didn't grow up in a bilingual household in Calgary, that she moved to Quebec to attend the University of Montreal while she tries to figure out her life.
"It seemed so exotic, and I love soccer so I wanted to get involved but I'm really not sure that I speak enough French to root for Montreal. I totally get the Allez Montreal, but is it an affectation if I pronounce it Mon Real instead of Mon-treal? I just don't even know."
Reportedly Ms. Goldenjay's mother is upset that her daughter even consider rebelling against their history of supporting the Calgary Mustangs, but Ms. Goldenjay was resolute.
"I'm in Montreal. I'm trying to learn French. I'm trying to blend in and assimilate, so eventually I'll likely be screaming Allez l'Impact from the top of my lungs while sporting a painted fleur-de-lis on my cheeks. They just need to accept this is happening," stated Ms. Goldenjay as she loaded Duolingo on her laptop.
The Nutmeg News will have more on Ms. Goldenjay as she forms an opinion on Quebec solidarity.