Woman Already, "Exhausted With This Shit" After Six Months In Supporters Group

NEW YORK - Red Bull New York fan Kim Albor admitted that she is, "exhausted with this shit" after six months in a soccer supporters group.

DON'T DO IT, KIM....DON'T.... DO.... IT!


DON'T.... DO.... IT!

"The complaining, the arguing, the relentless mood swings between games... I just don't know if I can keep this up," stated Ms. Albor to The Nutmeg News on Monday. "I've noticed that I'm now reacting in line with all the rest of the people I know from the games and talking about Ali Curtis and 300 page plans and 2015 even though I just started following the team. I'm finding out that I shouldn't follow SOME people on twitter even though I really don't know why, and that I should follow others for some also unexplained reason and that I need to have an opinion about everything. My god, I thought I was just here to support a soccer team!"

Reportedly, Ms. Albor joined with the best intentions of being around a group of like minded rabble rousers that seem to enjoy the game, but she now questions whether or not she can manage an entire season after just seven games.

"Look, I'm was ecstatic when we won, I'm hating nearly every player, the ownership, and Marsch when we lose. And we are losing a lot, so far. This is just six games of losses. I'm afraid of what's going to happen if this continues. Am I going to be crowd funding a plane flying a banner calling for the organization to leave or painting protest tifo in six months?  I don't even know what happened to me. I went from causal fan to creating an account on Metro Fanatic. If that doesn't show the depths to which I'm sinking, I don't know what does. I now have an opinion on the management and involvement of Red Bull, which I have already gotten into an argument with a long time fan about; and I went from talking about casual Ethopian food in Brooklyn on my twitter account to re-tweeting statistical analysis of Dax McCarty's prowess in the midfield. Shit... has gotten very real."

Reportedly, Ms. Albor's free time has been co-opted by attending games and her friend Lucy Stanford has stated that, "She just doesn't want to hang out anymore. She keeps inviting me out to Red Bull Arena. I'm concerned that if this happens, I'm going to end up just like her."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Ms. Stanford attends an upcoming Red Bull win with Ms. Albor and becomes completely obsessed 12 hours later.


