Aggressive USSF US Open Cup Advertising Concludes With Singular Scheduled Tweet

The US Soccer Federation (USSF) concluded their aggressive US Open Cup advertising with a singular scheduled re-tweet on the day before the USOC kicks off shining an impressively dim spotlight on the annual tournament.

THAT IS SOME ADVERTISING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I had it in my outlook calendar to re-tweet something appropriate," stated US Soccer Federation public relations manager James Hargood. "We thought that we could create a firestorm by re-tweeting a notification from another, less popular twitter account that we are kinda using to aggregate everything. I mean, that's information enough for the general population."

Sources within the US Soccer Federation indicate that the top brass didn't want to push the tournament too much via advertising, public relations and television opportunities in case there was too much media saturation of the nationwide phenomenon.

"It's important to us to not tell people about the tournament," stated President of the USSF Sunil Gulati. "We don't want people to be overwhelmed with all the information out there on The Cup. What with the 24 hour ESPN coverage and the day of Cup broadcasts on all NBC Sports affiliates and the whip around show on Youtube that has cut in coverage of all the games with professional hosts, we fear that the general population is approaching a saturation point with US Open Cup Coverage."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the US Soccer Federation scales back it's advertising for next year.

