NEW YORK - Andrea Pirlo took in the mural that he was enjoying in the East Village at Doc Holliday's bar before the realization that he was having to go back to work and actually play football hit him right between the eyes.
Photo Credit: @Pirlo_official
"Merda! No matter how many times I tell myself I'm going to eventually retire and do something that I love, I end up having to go back to my 9 to 5 job."
"I was enjoying myself by walking, thinking and discussing French literature written about the terroir of Burgundy and the sudden realization that I had to go back to work on Sunday hit me in a very specific and determined way. It was then on east sixth street while wating for my hired car that I experienced a deep feeling of dissatisfaction," stated Pirlo to The Nutmeg News.
"I had a deep longing to call my friend Gianlugi Buffon and jet back off to Ibiza again. It's been ages. I just need a vacation. It is what the Americans call a feeling of dread before the work week, the feeling of an approaching Monday."
While Pirlo is travelling to RFK stadium with NYCFC to play DC United, this hasn't cheered up the mood of the Italian as he admitted to procrastinating his preparation for the job on Sunday.
"I have been hitting snooze on my alarm and attempting to still enjoy the day. I'm not looking forward to the commute. I'm not looking forward to having to slave over a hot pitch for 90 minutes. However, I keep repeating that I'm not going to let having to go back to work ruin my weekend."
The Nutmeg News will have less on this as Pirlo lets the idea of returning back to his job ruin the last 4 hours of his Saturday evening before he goes to bed when he is supposed to be relaxing but instead he pensively sucks on the corner of his cheek while he scans over his smart phone clicking on nothing in specific but just scanning facebook and twitter while delaying his bedtime because he knows that closing his eyes means he has to go back to his job again.