Investigation Shows That One Nation Has More Than One Team

An in depth investigation into the United States shows that, in fact, the United States has more than one team that the residents within that nation cheer on during international tournaments.

One Nation - One Team

Our reporters found shocking details by utilizing the specialized and secret web browser GOOGLE that during the year not only do some residents within the United States cheer for the United States Men's soccer team, but they also cheer for the United States Women's soccer team. This already shows that there is One Nation, Two Teams. Not only this, but some people even have a rooting interest in the United States Men's and Women's Deaf Soccer teams. Those shocking details would indicate One Nation Four Teams. There is also the United States Power Soccer Association as well as the United States Paralympic soccer 5 a side and 7 a side teams which represent the United States internationally.

With that count, our reporters were able to verify that indeed there is One Nation and at least Seven other Teams, but likely there are more than this as well.

Research into the history of the United States by Nutmeg News reporters turned up absolutely shocking and unreported details which showed that over the course of the history of the country there have been several waves of immigration. Details show that there was even a mass immigration of English and Spanish individuals.

Many of the individuals that immigrated to North America retained a fondness for their original national team sides. As well, with the internet age and ability to watch games anywhere at any time, many new and old immigrants to the United States are able to keep touch with their roots by pulling for their old and their new national teams.

In fact, Nutmeg News reporters showed a true coagulation of disparate nations that are pulled for at any one time during the year belying the One Nation One Team mantra. TNN Reporters spoke with immigrants from Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Canada, Sweden, England, Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Croatia, Scotland, Ireland, Japan, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Sicily, Greece, Russia, Mongolia, Germany, France, Korea, and China. Shockingly, there may even be MORE nationalities currently living in the United States that may be pulling for their national team side or multiple national team sides.

The Nutmeg News will continue our investigation into the details of One Nation One Team as we investigate whether the One Nation, One Team ethos extends to lacrosse.
