Atlanta, GA - Atlanta United fan Jeremy Smith admitted that the lack of winning this season for Atlanta United has started to grind against his patience.
At least we are winning OFF the field.
"This is bullshit!" stated Smith to our reporters on Friday. "It's what... JUNE? and we still don't have a win yet? I didn't pay all this money for season tickets to have to wait til seemingly 2017 for a win. I know that is hyperbole, but I'm just frustrated with the performances this season."
While Atlanta United have had some early victories this season off the field (and just signed homegrown player Andrew Carleton) Mr Smith admits that the lack of home wins this season makes him impatient.
"Look, the season is a grind and I understand that we have to be patient, but honestly I'd love to see a result on the field. Hell, I'd just love to see some tough two way play and players who want to be on the field. At this rate, I'd just like to see a field."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr Smith creates a kickstarter to fly a banner over Atlanta that states, "BLANK OUT! NO MORE YEARS WITHOUT A WIN! ATLANTA DIVIDED!"