North American Journalist Rushes To Turn Out "What Brexit Means For MLS" Column

NEW YORK - Soccer journalist Dave Edinger admitted that he woke up early, today, and quickly put the finishing touches on a rush job piece regarding what the referendum of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union means for Major League Soccer.

HURRY! SOMEONE is going to beat us to the punch! DEADLINES, DAVE!

"This kind of decision is going to have a major impact on the way in which we talk about our own league," stated Edinger to himself as he fetched another cup of coffee. "At the very least it is a new take, and a new thing to talk about. With the All-Star Game coming up and the United States out of the Copa America we need something else that we can utilize to grab air time."

Reportedly, the column is very rushed and filled with theoretical ideas and half-baked assumptions on what exactly this thing means for the United States and Canada from the perspective of a domestic soccer league.

"Facts are only important if you are actually trying to win over nerds," stated Mr Edinger. "What we need these days is speed. Speed is of the essence. Being right is something we can craft later in the year, if it is really necessary at all. It's all about speed."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Edinger debates between, "Brexit to Brek Shea" or "Brexit by Beckham" for the column title.
