End Of NPSL Season Brings Crushing Realization To Supporter

Nashville, TN - "I've got to attend what?" stated Nashville FC supporter Henry Carsten after realizing that with the closing of the NPSL season he would now be required to attend more functions that he found a way to excuse himself from on the basis of supporting the team throughout the summer.


Reportedly, Carsten's familial commitments and schedule took a huge hit once the Nashville FC season started, but every obligation that he pushed off, including the pending move of his brother Jamey, have now come calling as his schedule after the NPSL season filled up with chores, family gatherings, graduations and mandatory celebrations.

"Oh c'mon, we can't play another month? I'm not ready to actually have the season be over. This is terrible, I just need another month, maybe two. THE SEASON IS TOO FUCKING SHORT," stated an irate Carsten to his Labrador retriever, Bran. 

"I already miss the crowds, the smell of the grass, the flags, the chants, my god... why is the NPSL season this short?!" stated a bewildered Carsten as he prepared for the end. "The family reunion is in July? WHAT KIND OF CRUEL JOKE IS THIS. WHY DO YOU HATE ME, SOCCER GODS!"

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Carsten picks an English team to support in order to pass the time til Nashville FC starts playing again.

