Las Vegas, NV - Successful Major League Soccer gambler Sonny 'Albini' Jurgenson admitted to The Nutmeg News that he is only $345,233 in debt after another tumultuous half-season of betting on Major League Soccer games.
"I'm going back to the ponies, at least they are fixed enough to make sense."
"I don't even know how anyone makes money on this," stated Jurgenson to The Nutmeg News on Thursday morning. "Hell is paved with the gamblers souls that will break by trying to bet on this league."
Reportedly, Jurgenson stuck to his ethos of avoiding prop bets and trying to find favorable odds while finding underdogs that would cover but his gambling ideal was burned repeatedly by draws and variations in team play.
"One week a team would be good, the next they would be shit. I'd bet against Chicago and then they win last night. That was Kansas City on the road at a place they don't lose against a side that has been terrible all year long. What the hell is wrong with this league?"
While Jurgenson admitted that he started to think about leaving the ranks of professional gamblers trying to make money on Major League Soccer, he still holds out hope that he can make back his money by hedging heavily on draws for the rest of the year.
"Fuck winners, I'm just betting draws. The whole rest of the year, draws. Draws and the home team. I'm getting out after 2016. I can't take these losses!"
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Jurgenson disappears while attempting to talk his connection into allowing him to roll his losses over another week.