In Depth Explanation Of League Structure Delayed By Start Of Second Half

Carson, CA - An in depth explanation of the league structure by Galaxy fan John Stevens to German tourist Heinrich Müller at the recent Galaxy v Whitecaps game was delayed by the start of the second half as Stevens was carefully attempting to explain single entity, the salary cap, allocation money, the players union, the designated player, targeted allocation money, international roster rules, expansion rules, and the franchise system.


"I didn't even make it in my speech to the point where I could explain how the discovery rights on international players works with single entity alongside the designated player rules while also being malleable for future events," stated Stevens to The Nutmeg News. "I'm not certain that he is going to understand the whole concept of the league as we currently understand it as we now interpret the rules that we currently know which may, right now, be incorrect."

TNN reporters caught up with Mr. Müller regarding the long winded diatribe and he had the following to say, "I don't understand any of it. My question was an innocent question. Your rules are only fascinating in the way that a car crash is fascinating."

Reportedly, Mr Stevens attempted to keep up the explanation during the game only to be waived off by an emphatic Mr. Müller who just wanted to watch the game and not hear another 15 minutes on the possible death of the superdraft, college eligibility and what that means to the United States amateur soccer scene.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Mr. Müller attempts to avoid explaining all of this, later, to his friend Dieter.
