Tallahassee, FL - New soccer fan Harriet Branin stated that she was ready to swallow the entirety of the ennui surrounding the 55 year Championship wait by Tottenham fans as she dives into the deep end of soccer support this season.
"Ok, so I have very, very mixed feelings on Sol Campbell."
"I looked over all the teams and I realized that I liked the players and the history of Tottenham the most," stated Branin to The Nutmeg News on Wednesday. "So I decided that in order to appropriately root for the team this upcoming season I would prepare myself to swallow the entire frustrating 55 year wait for another league title, in whole, in one pre-season."
Branin has taken to a training regiment of pumping herself up that Tottenham will win the title and then watching games where they lose or draw in order to appropriately prepare herself for the mentality that she needs to have as a new fan. So far, her training has mandated a marathon few months of doing nothing but watching replays of old Spurs games with her eyes taped open, liberal amounts of caffeine and strong words regarding Arsene Wenger. She has also taken an immediate dislike to anything related to the color red, or related to Arsenal.
"I didn't really know it before, but I've come to understand that I hate Arsenal. I now can really give my friend Jeff a massive amount of shit, whereas before I was relatively ambivalent about his soccer choices when he randomly picked Arsenal last year. This has opened up a whole new window in our relationship and I'm planning on holding my fandom of my new team over his head when Kane drops 3 goals on those bastards at White Hart Lane."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Ms. Branin announces her arrival onto the Spurs supporters scene by a Facebook post stating, "same old spurs" after a disappointing draw at home.