Geoff Cameron Announces Interest In Returning To MLS, "Provided That Crooked Hillary Doesn't Win"

Jacksonville, FL - Benghazi truther, Trump supporter and Stoke City player Geoff Cameron announced his interest in possibly returning to Major League Soccer in the future stating, "I'm interested in coming back, provided that crooked Hillary doesn't win."

Hey Geoff, what do you think about national team players and the immigrants in the United States? Want to deport some of your teammates? I BET YOU DO!

Reportedly, Cameron has expressed interest in returning to the league provided that Donald Trump wins the presidency and deports, as Cameron states, "all the illegals in North America that are currently filling the jobs that I could do a passable job at like center back and utility centerback and bench player trying to collect a final paycheck."

"Those immigrants are taking our jobs, BENGHAZI and also, I hope that we build a wall and make Mexico pay for it," ranted Cameron right before snapping a picture with Alejandro Bedoya and Bobby Wood. "I support someone who is trying to uplift my people, because my people are incredibly downtrodden. That's why I find it important to deport all the people who are taking my spot on all the teams that I'm interested in playing."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Cameron takes out his political frustrations during his play in the Hexagonal tournament.
