NWSL Draftee Thanks Patreon Supporters

LOS ANGELES - NWSL Draftee Samantha LaBouley thanked her Patreon supporters and sponsors for allowing her to chase her dream of playing professionally as she successfully completed one of her 2017 goals she stated on Youtube of, "Getting drafted by an NWSL team".

"I just want to thank all my Patreon supporters and sponsors for continuing to believe in me and for allowing me to star playing in the NWSL without being broke," stated LaBouley to the gathered crowed.

"Shout outs belong to @harleylover49, @mammabear24, @harrypooper69, and @leeroyjenkinsislame for donating enough money to allow me to fix my car and drive here. Also, big love out there to my $1000 donations who earned the right to get a credit in my draft acceptance speech. Thanks to Karen Ellsbury, Jamal Burrows, Daniel Harbottle and Sandra Villanueva."

Reportedly, LaBouley was ushered off stage before she could complete her thanks to her $100 and $10 level Patreon supporters as she stated, "I can't forget everyone who helped on my journey towards solvency, but remember.... for an additional $1000 I'll dedicate a goal celebration specifically for you!"

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as LaBouley makes more money off subscriptions to her youtube channel than during her first month in the NWSL.

