Des Moines, IA - From a darkened room in the Willow Park Apartments off Chaffee road, Harold Normandale struck back at the opportunists and know-nothings in the soccer media as he resolutely told off each one stating, "I didn't follow you for politics."
You could always UNFOLLOW them.
Normandale's twitter handle is @MasterOfDestiny44 and he spends most of his time, so far, aggressively tweeting about Warhammer 4k models, American wrestling, and soccer. His 5 followers and 31 spambots were able to confirm that the Iowa native is extraordinarily upset by all these, "soccer writers stepping out of their lane and talking politics."
The Nutmeg News spoke to Normandale as he spent his Sunday evening complaining about NFL football on his television without changing the channel.
"I didn't perform the action of following these men and women so they could give me their actual opinion on things. I followed them for their writings on soccer. If I wanted their opinion I would have asked for their opinions, but I didn't ask for their opinions. I just simply followed them online. As everyone in the United States knows, there is absolutely nothing political about sports at all. That's why Jesse Owens was such a punk."
Normandale continued his rant while he slurped down Mountain Dew from a big gulp container, "When you look at Barcelona and Real Madrid, do you think politics? No. When you look at Don Garber or Sunil Gulati, do you think politics? No. They are just soccer, and we don't need someone's opinions from Sports Illustrated talking about the minimum wage, or women's rights. God, the women. This is just like the NWSL all over again. Their players are why I have a reddit account, so I can just go online and tell everyone how it is with those spoiled brats."
Normandale then launched into a 10 minute tirade about the NFL on his television screen, how he didn't want to watch this game and how Tom Brady was a down home kinda guy.... you know... a guy with whom you could have a beer.
When asked why he didn't simply change the channel, Normandale stated, "Screw that! I'm not about to change my habits for them. I stay on CBS to watch the re-runs of the X-Files at 11:00 pm and I'm not about to stop waiting for that just because the NFL is on my screen. But that also means I'm going to write another strongly worded letter to my local affiliate about this garbage they are putting on before MY television show."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Normandale starts to actively seek out journalists and reporters that he doesn't follow just so he can let them know that any personal or political items are not welcome from them.