22nd Season Of MLS Close To Cancellation After Extending Plot Points Too Long

Known for taxing the patience of fans, Major League Soccer (MLS) is reportedly close to cancellation after fans rebelled against the drama extending plot points too long.

"Look, I like a long season with varying storylines, but at some point I need some closure," stated soccer fan Damien Plaf. "This is starting to drag on like Nashville and that didn't make it past season 6 on CMT."

The 22nd season of MLS had 34 episodes for each team, up from 32 in 1996, with a varying number of plot points, most of which wrapped up over a month ago leaving fans wondering why the show was still running.

"We've had a baby, closed on a mortgage and almost completed our move since the last time Major League Soccer was on TV," stated television fan Carl Edwards. "I'm going to need a recap just to remind myself what is going on. Are the twins on the show still? Was that Project Runway? I'm pretty certain even THAT wrapped up, by now."

According to TV Series Finale, as of today, there is still no word on the future of Major League Soccer. While some fans will be disappointed if there isn't a renewal, most fans actually forgot the league was still running.

"If I wanted long, drawn out plot points with a decent amount of grunting and thrusting, I'd just turn on an episode of Outlander," stated Stacy Conroy. "Can we just get to the games please and close this season out?"

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the 2017 season continues into the year 2123.
