CHICAGO - The US Soccer Federation (USSF) announced, today, that a clause in their joint CONCACAF World Cup bid indicates that Mexico will foot the bill for all costs of the bid and the tournament infrastructure for the World Cup as the countries gathered together, along with Canada, to attempt to win the tournament typically given to the biggest briber.
Diplomatic Relations
"We will be issuing a joint bid, and Mexico will pay for it," stated Sunil Gulati. "It's important to understand that the United States, according to mandate from the federal government, must blame Mexico for nearly everything related to social and political evils. The only way for Mexico to continue to have a relationship with the United States going forward is for them to pay for every hair brained idea that we, as a country, have."
A statement from Gerónimo Gutiérrez, the Mexican Ambassador to the United States, indicate that the country will be doing no such thing and that there is currently, "No plan in place for paying for any of the United States infrastructure or CONCACAF bid."
However, this denial reportedly just stiffened the resolve of Gulati and the USSF as they stated, "Mexico will pay for this tournament, one way or another... mostly because we can't currently afford the bribes necessary to get it here."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the US Soccer Federation issues a bill to the Federación Mexicana de Fútbol Asociación for renovations to the Rose Bowl in 2017.