All Teams In Major League Soccer To Be Re-branded As LA Galaxy

An announcement from Major League Soccer (MLS) shook up the small contingent of people who actually pay attention to league dealings as the league stated that all teams in MLS would be re-branded as the Los Angeles Galaxy to allow maximum rooting for the Galaxy at all times by the followers of the league.

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Galaxy fan Leonard Fallwell of Newark, New Jersey admitted that he was unused to being a Galaxy fan but if the league wished that the fans that follow the teams within to root for the Galaxy that the only way to reach him was to change the name of the team for which he cheers.

"I guess I'm a Galaxy fan now, so I'll be cheering for the Galaxy. This feels both confusing and dirty, though," stated Fallwell to The Nutmeg News.

Galaxy fan Sandra Blevins of Denver, Colorado admitted that she wasn't sure what all the rest of the Galaxy fans were cheering for but that she would be rooting for a Galaxy victory this weekend.

While Galaxy fan Josh Ridenour of Topeka, Kansas admitted that he was only halfheartedly rooting for the Galaxy this weekend as his true love, the Galaxy, would be playing against the Galaxy in the future.

Meanwhile, Galaxy fan Hector Villanueva of Houston, Texas admitted that he was absolutely hoping that the Galaxy would lose against his Los Angeles Galaxy so that the Galaxy could leapfrog the Galaxy in the standings.

The Nutmeg Galaxy will have more on the Galaxy as the Galaxy is the Galaxy of the Galaxy, Galaxy.
