The Biggest Game In World Soccer, The Lutefisk Derby, Approaches As Fans Prepare For Clash Of The Titans

The biggest game in World Soccer, otherwise known as the Lutefisk Derby between Duluth FC and Minneapolis City,, approaches this weekend as the nascent rivalry brings up old wounds and a gag reflex that will not die.

Don't you just want some?

The Lutefisk Derby originated back in the olden days of the conquest of Vinland by Leif Eriksson in 1001 AD when merchant seamen for the Vikings traveled from Vinland to Duluth and then to Minneapolis to heckle Kirby Puckett and the Minnesota Twins. While Duluth named a park for Leif Eriksson, Minneapolis (not to be outdone) created the Leif Eriksson International Festival. 

The bet was then  determined that the winner would be declared based upon the aggregate scoreline over the course of games played against each other with the motto:

Winner Treats

Loser Eats.

Sources for Minneapolis City indicate that the front office, "Has never heard of this before and thinks the whole thing is just made up from thin air by some rabble rousing bunch of idiots with a website who probably aren't soccer fans any way," but their words appear to just provide bulletin board material for Duluth FC.

"We didn't cross all the way down the great plains of I-35 to be served gelatinous cod," stated the son of the brother of the director of the friend of the owner of Duluth FC.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this when the loser of the #LutefiskDerby makes all of us the winner, by Periscoping their shame consumption of the defeat Lutefisk specially purchased by the victor.
