Mom Who Knows Something About Soccer Now The Unpaid Sporting Director Of Entire Youth Program

Plano, TX - Deborah Hagins, a local mom who knows something about soccer, has now found herself the unpaid sporting director of the Plano Youth Soccer League after informing a random parent that she has season tickets to FC Dallas.

"I just was making small talk with a random parent at my son's youth game and suddenly they informed me that I was in charge of the tactics and recruiting for the entire PYSL," stated Hagins to The Nutmeg News. "I was informed that my expertise and skill at assessing soccer would be utilized to manage the youth teams at all divisions, and that I would be doing this job for free."

Hagins is a soccer fan who attends FC Dallas games on a relatively frequent basis, but admits that while she enjoys the game, she is not a tactical master.

"I like the skill, I like the pace of the game, I like watching my teams play, but I'm pretty certain there has to be someone more qualified than me to run this program."

The Nutmeg News spoke with PYSL Ownership and Volunteer coordinator Paul Mercon about this new hire and he had the following to say.

"Deborah is a warm body that shows up on time, has children in the program, doesn't mind working for free and didn't say no fast enough. She is the perfect hire for us. We don't particularly care whether she knows the game or not as long as she continues to show up and we can continue to sign children up for $700 a month poorly coached youth soccer."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Deborah asks for a discount on her children's monthly soccer fees and receives no reply.
