Letter To The Editor: It's Not You, US Open Cup.... It's Me

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Today's letter comes from Hank Carmona of Petersburg, Virginia.

"It's not you, US Open Cup.... It's me. 

I'm just not ready to commit to another 90 minutes this Wednesday. Look, I'm fully aware that we had plans. I was going to sit on my couch and pretend to find a stream, you were going to get all gussied up and we were going to spend some time together.

You look great, by the way. You're strong, you'll make it through this. If anything you will make it through this better than I will. This is a self sacrifice. I know what I'm going to be missing.

I just can't do it, anymore. You'll find a really great fan who will, though. Any time now, it'll work out. You're a great tournament with great prospects, we just aren't the right fit, at the moment.

This has nothing to do with that foreign tournament I met last month. UEFA Champion's League and I are just casual friends right now. Yes, I spent last week with them, but we were just hanging out. There's this great song that we both like, and when it came on...OH, there was that electricity! It was that hypnotic dancing at the bar where we were hanging out, and that frenzied nervous bubbling feeling that I hadn't felt in some ti........ um.....ok.... look, I'm not here to talk about what's going on with me. This isn't about some fling, this is about us, and we just aren't right for each other right now.

No, it isn't because you don't speak German. Baby, it's fine.... You don't need to change for me. I'm not trying to say I'm happier with UEFA Champion's League because I don't even know where that is going. I'm just trying to set YOU free.

I'm the one that isn't working out here, I'm the one who has different feelings now than at the beginning of the year when I said that I loved you and I was just in the moment...... Ok.... admittedly, that came out bad. See what I'm saying though? I think its time for us to go our separate ways, again.

What I'm trying to say is that we can be friends, right? Let's try friends for a while and just hang out a bit next year. I promise I'll call you in March.


Hank Carmona"
