Fan Of NASL Team Waiting For League Proof Of Life

Indianapolis, IN - Indy Eleven fan Jim Lovatt stated that while some of his friends were celebrating the release of the Major League Soccer (MLS) schedule that he was still waiting for a proof of life from the North American Soccer League (NASL).


"The last thing the league really sent out about the upcoming year was information on the letter sent to the US Soccer Federation about the upcoming presidential election," stated Lovatt to The Nutmeg News. "That literally does nothing for me other than making me anxious about the theoretical upcoming 2018 season."

Lovatt admitted that his attempt to plan out his vacations and personal obligations for 2018 lead to this anxiety as he stated, "I don't know if I'll be watching a team or mourning the death of a league or going to more Division 3 games in the future, or just taking a lot more vacation time this year for actual vacations. I just want some kind of indication that everything is going to continue where the signs are more than a bunch of millionaires sparring about the future of my team."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Lovatt dresses himself in all his team gear and rocks back and forth in a corner for 30 minutes.
