USSF President Announces Cuts To Food Accessibility For GA Ticket Holders

CHICAGO - Incoming US Soccer Federation (USSF) President Carlos Cordeiro released, on Tuesday, his new budget detailing austerity cuts to stadium food accessability for people holding general admission tickets as his attempt to, "reign in spending on social programs," begins.

President Cordeiro's new budget would severely restrict the kinds of foods that GA Ticket recipients could buy during US Soccer Games.

"No more of this Thai curry with chicken, gourmet tacos and Sushi roll stuff, " Stated Cordeiro to The Nutmeg News. "We're done with this. We aren't here to contribute to the social well being of those in General Admission and the cheap seats. That was the old way, the new way is you get Bud Light, Peanuts, and maybe Popcorn on Sundays if you are good and don't say anything about the 2018 World Cup qualifying campaign."

Cordeiro continued his comments on the GA Ticket holders stating, "If they can't afford to actually pay for real seats, they don't need things like craft beers and fancy food. Save that for those that actually care to support the team for real. GA might as well be FL for freeloader. The people who pay real money to see the games are tired of carrying their sorry asses. Hopefully this will encourage them to go out, get a job, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and buy better seats. If they want to contribute more money to our organization we can talk about some pupusas."

Cordeiro's proposal would require people who pay less than $100 a ticket from the federation to get about half of their stadium food in the form of a “USDA food package,” rather than getting fresh cooked food every time, TNN repoirts.

"We will have a lovely collection of frozen freedom fries and cold USDA Beef-ish hot dogs for anyone who sits in GA," stated Cordeiro.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as stadium's across the US say, "what will be different?"
