Atlanta, GA - Atlanta United fan Josh Williams recently updated the start of his Tinder profile to state, "Did You Know That We Had Nearly 20,000 More Fans Attend Our Game Than Any Other Team This Week," to illustrate the Five Stripes domination in the stands this week.
Even our digital render has more people in it than any other stadium this week.
Reportedly, Williams followed his statement with the quip that he was, "down to chill, have a good time and I like funny movies with Kevin Hart that somehow show that Atlanta United had nearly 20,000 more people than any other crowd this week."
"Did you KNOW that, though," asked Williams to The Nutmeg News. "Did you know that we had nearly 20,000 more fans attend our game than any other team this week? Did you know that? Did you know that we had that many people attend our game this week? I need a woman that understands that as well, the statistics of our crowd. I need one that knows that is the truth."
According to friends, Williams default response to any question is currently, "Atlanta United had nearly 20,000 more fans at their game this week than any other MLS team," including the time his brother asked him whether or not he wanted to go to Orlando for a vacation.
"He's just gone off and run with this," stated Jeremiah Williams. "I'm not sure why it happened, but he has all these charts and statistics and keeps talking about attendance records and why it matters."
Sources with the McDonalds on Alabama street indicate that Mr Williams responded to the question of "What can we make for you today," with the response, "and we had the upper bowl closed. If we had the upper bowl opened, we would have shattered that 20,000 mark and really showed the league that we can have double the amount of attendance they have at other locations and I'd like a Big Mac, please."
The Nutmeg News will have more on this when everyone starts acknowledging that Atlanta United had nearly 20,000 more people at their game than any other game during week 3.