Area Man Unable To Give Opinion On Anything After Internet Goes Down

Seattle, WA - Area man Jerrod Lietz found that he was unable to give an opinion on anything after his internet went down, on Wednesday.

Ok, does anyone have a phone or tablet I could borrow for this conversation?

Stating, "I'm very certain that...a ....3-4...3? Would... um... um.... I'll.... have to .... um.....look nevermind," to friends and strangers at a Sounders meet up, a deep sense of dread settled upon the former historical expert.

Lietz realized, on Wednesday afternoon, that he hadn't paid his bill for his home internet and cellphone leaving him temporarily without a way to seem like the smartest person in the room.

"WAIT, i meant 3-4-2 formation. missing a guy, or no.... that's not right," mumbled Lietz as he realized that he would need to formulate a concept without being able to refer to the internet for his information.

Friends say that the coherent and adroit Lietz spent most of the time on Wednesday evening fumbling around for facts, dates and information on players and events that he was typically quick to reference.

"So, when Sigi hired um.......... his........... I think it was his son, like in 2008? Or was it 2009. Ok, so when we are talking about Assistant Coaches, like if we are talking about Bruce Arena's assistant coaches.... at that time.... and place... and... um.... I mean..... Steve Zakuani was a recipient of that whole thing with the fact that he some goals, or assists, I know.... look I WAS THERE. I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED."

Lietz then spent 20 minutes rambling about some fanpost on Sounder At Heart that he made or maybe that he read, or maybe it was on a different blog back in 2010 that would illustrate the current scenario.

"This all tracks back to Sainey Nyassi and how well he played for the Sounders, right? Or was that Senna. Look, I can't be expected to remember those things."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Lietz attempts to pay his phone bill using an overdrawn credit card.
