Area Woman Remains Fan Of English Team Primarily So She Can Avoid Local Soccer Fans

Portland, OR - Portland soccer fan Isabella Theresa admitted that she remains a fan of English team Tottenham Hotspur primarily to avoid having to deal with local soccer fans in the Portland area.

"Oh sure, I say it is because the quality is better.... and it is.... but let's be honest... I like watching the games and not having to deal with the local people perpetually moaning about things," stated Ms. Theresa. 

Friends state that Ms. Theresa started following Tottenham over 10 years ago and stayed loyal regardless of the results.

"She definitely loves Spurs," stated good friend Linda Jones. "I tried to get her into the Timbers, but she said that she doesn't like all the drama that comes with the fans."

"There's nothing pleasant about the fans of your team moaning to you in person about all the things that have nothing to do with your team," stated Ms. Theresa to The Nutmeg News. "I just want to watch soccer and talk about soccer. Is that too much to ask?"

Reportedly, the abuse that Ms Theresa gets from fans on Twitter for not supporting her local team is just another nail in the coffin of her perpetual, unending support of Tottenham as she stated, "Look, I like what I like. What I don't like is having everyone tell me that I'm doing it wrong. Based upon what I see online with Timbers fans that's all that they ever do. I'm just going to stick with watching Spurs from abroad, taking trips over to London when I can and enjoying my irrational sports fandom as much as anyone else who ever found a team."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the 5 minutes that Ms. Theresa spends on Facebook looking at comments on a Timbers post convinces her of her decision.
