Blogger Already Has Idea About How The 43rd Pick In The Draft Will Fit Into The Dynamo Lineup

Houston, TX - Dynamo blogger Oscar Taft stated that he already has an idea and a column written about how Mac Steeves would fit into the Houston Dynamo lineup after the player was drafted to the Houston team with the 43rd pick overall.


"I’ve never seen him play, but I’ve scouted him for the past 40 minutes and I can tell you categorically that he is going to be an impact substitution,” stated Taft to The Nutmeg News. “I can’t reveal more, but you can read it online at my address alongside all my analysis of every pick in the draft from today’s action.”

Taft stated that ever since he found out about Steeves, earlier today, he has been scouting him online using YouTube and a variety of methods including googling his name.

“It looks like he came from Providence,” muttered Taft as his sagaciously stroked his stubble and typed in, “where is prvidance,” to his search bar. “We are looking at a real diamond in the rough, and I say that after some really in depth research.”

As well, Taft indicated that he was in a rush to put out his content to beat everyone to the punch as he quickly assessed what the future lineup would be for the Dynamo in 2021 with Steeves leading the line or possibly converted to a winger, like Taft’s gut is telling him that he might be.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Taft starts to record his podcast on the subject matter while quickly using google image search to determine what Mac Steeves actually looks like.
