Fan Blames Difficult Red Bull New York Season On The Actions Of People He Doesn't Like On Twitter

NEW YORK - Stating, “It’s all their fault,” Red Bull New York fan Andrew Reynolds, in a 10 part tweet hashtagged to #RBNY, laid the blame for the Red Bull season at the feet of under-performing and perpetually gloomy fans who just couldn’t get behind the team.

“It’s not their fault…. It’s YOUR fault.”

“If we actually had a home field environment then we would’ve won the league,” stated Reynolds to The Nutmeg News. “Clearly the team read the opinions of all the gloomy-gus fans out there that were trying to stab them in the back on Twitter. If we had more forced optimism then we would’ve made it to MLS Cup and won the Supporters Shield this season.”

Reynolds claimed that a number of fans are perpetually unhappy with the team and the organization as he stated, “The boys on the field tried their best and so did the coaching staff. You can’t blame the coach for the team not winning at home. Everyone knows that we lost at home to Colorado because @MetroFeverish talked about how much he disliked Armas online. That kind of Twitter thread is the kind of thing that completely destabilizes a locker room.. It’s almost like all these fans just expect the players to be able to win at home even though the some fans keeping talking shit about Chris Armas and Denis Hamlett on Twitter.”

Reynolds continued his online missive as he blamed the investment level of Red Bull Austria in the team on the fans as well as he claimed, “Why would they want to invest money in something where, as you know, Joe Delulo as @RedAndBlackOriginals was talking about them not caring. I don’t care what anyone says, these corporations have feelings and if the fans are constantly insulting them it only makes sense when they don’t buy a good midfielder next year.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Reynolds blames the retirement of Connor Lade on @MetroFeverish who once described Lade as “Trade Bait”
