Sounders Fans Advocate For Their Right To Have The Opportunity To Boo The President

Seattle, WA - Sounders fans in Seattle were reportedly working hard to advocate for the opportunity to boo President Donald Trump in person, like Washington Nationals fans, as they decried the lack of opportunity to tell the President of the United States what they felt.

“It isn’t fair that baseball fans get all the fun,” stated Fiona Williams of Ballard. “The America I want gives me the opportunity and right to boo the President at my teams championship game whether that game is the WNBA, Major League Baseball, the National Hockey League, Major League Soccer or the Overwatch League Finals.”

Some Sounders fans reportedly created an advocacy group called, “Mandate President Trump’s Attendance So That We Can Tell Him To Go Home,” as they worked feverishly to bring soccer in the United States up to the level of the national pastime.

“We would like to ensure that the President attends MLS Cup so that we could all roundly tell him that we do NOT want him to attend MLS Cup” stated Gerald Andross of Queen Anne. “It is important that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. We believe that booing the president SHOULD be allowed, encouraged and mandated between ALL fans of ALL sports. This shouldn’t be available to simple members of the Bourgeoisie elite who pay for their gilded seats at the World Series. Booing the president should be available to the proletariat who attend the NBA Finals, the Super Bowl, MLS Cup, the National Finals Rodeo and the XFL Toilet Bowl brought to you by Dave’s Plumbing of Madison Wisconsin.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as soccer fans continue to complain about the perks that baseball fans receive.
