Des Moines, IA - Carla Overbeek, the social media manager of the Des Moines FC Football Club (DMFCFC), announced from her personal Twitter account a 20% reduction in overall job dread after the acquisition of a therapist.
“I was anxious to an unhealthy level literally every time I picked up a phone to do my job,” stated Overbeek to The Nutmeg News. “However, Dr. Libscomb at the Recovering From Social Media Clinic really helped me walk through a variety of coping mechanisms for the dread, horror, stress, and feelings of PTSD that I was feeling when I logged into the team account.”
According to Dr. Libscomb, there has been a severe spike in the number of team and league representatives that she is treating at the clinic as a number of different team representatives need different methodologies in order to cope with the difficulties that come with doing their job.
“We are talking about individuals who are struggling with the fact that they are the messenger of the facts and not the actual person making the decision,” stated Dr. Libscomb. “Recently we had a case study of a social media and digital rights manager for a soccer team in the United States who had a Pavlovian response to the vibrate alarm feature that involved the individual in question having a panic attack every time they heard a low rumble. We are in the process of exposure therapy to attempt to resolve this issue and we are working on exploring personal and work boundaries as it relates to scanning through mentions and comments.”
For her part, Ms. Overbeek states that the amount of time she cries in the process of doing her job has plummeted as she states, “I’m no longer locking myself in the bathroom at the end of the day with a bottle of wine after reading through Instagram comments on the official team page! It’s a massive improvement.”
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as several times a day Ms. Overbeek explores the idea of moving to a remote part of the world where there is no internet.