Boston, MA - Soccer fans across New England and the United States were reportedly upset that the mainstream media shunned Major League Soccer (MLS) and the New England Revolution in their reporting of the Robert Kraft paying a sex slave for sexual favors at a faux massage parlor in Florida story.
How about New England REVOLUTION owner Robert Kraft accused of soliciting sex, police say. How about THAT?
“Soccer will never be big in this country until the headline is Revolution Owner Caught In Sex Sting,” stated soccer fan Jonny English.
“We can’t call ourselves the fourth most popular sport in the country if our owners are identified by the news media as N.F.L owner paying for sexual favors with Chinese women held in horrifying situations,” stated Revolution fan Deborah Evans.
Fans across the United States reached out to the local twitter accounts of their news stations to correct them on their headlines as they begged them to include the New England Revolution in the mix.
“Shouldn’t the headline read M.L.S. Sex Pest?” asked Howard Lispcott of Providence.
“MLS is growing! You should include it in the headline! Kraft owns the Revolution as well!” stated @starb00ty323232 to the New York Times.
“What about soccer! It’s the fastest growing sport among the youth,” stated @ThickNugs97202 to the Oregonian about their headline of Patriots owner Robert Kraft not even 'the biggest name’ involved in Florida prostitution sting.
With fans in an uproar, newsrooms indicate that there isn’t enough interest in the league, yet, to sustain a New England Revolution Owner Accused Of Soliciting Sex headline.
“If fans want to see more coverage of their ownership groups as it relates to spending time with sex slaves at a Florida massage parlor they will need to encourage more of their ownership groups to be caught paying for sexual favors. The demand needs to be there if we are going to identify them as such,” stated Editor Zach Williams.
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as soccer fans remain upset at the lack of representation for their miscreants in the press.