Des Moines, IA - A new blog entry from Jason Howard, a midfielder for Des Moines City United FC, called for a number of severe changes for the supporters group in the stands after a disappointing performance by the fans lead to players and coaches of the team questioning their abilities.
“Ok, let’s sit down and diagram this out. The fans should line up in a 4-4-2, or possibly a 4-3-3 given that we can’t rely on Dave there to show up to the game on time and Steve’s got to cover him by holding up the flag.”
“We know that the supporters had a decent season last year,” stated Howard on his blog, “But this season they are clearly in need of some new acquisitions and new blood as their efforts in the stand are simply not adequate.”
Howard detailed the faults of drummers Juan Vargas and Cassie Evans as he called them out for their poor first touch, lack of rhythm and inability to keep a proper tempo for the game.
“The fact about their performance is that it is something that would end up with them being benched or fired in any normal job like our own,” stated Howard. “If I have a bad day I don’t just get to shrug it off, claim I smoked too much weed before I got in the stands and then ask my Uber to go to the drive through at the Taco Bell on the way home. No, I would lose my job for that. The simple fact is that if you are unable to keep up with the pace of the game you should understand that there is someone else willing to do so. The inability of the leaders of the supporters group to find a backup for the drummers only shows their lack of scouting and their lack of effort at acquiring new talent.”
Howard also took the supporters group to task for their formation as he indicated that perhaps the current lack of results in the stands was down to the inability of the group to tactically innovate.
“The reality is that other groups will figure out your tactics in the long run,” stated Howard. “They should consider whether the supporters should move to a diamond formation that would narrow the compaction in the stands and force the walking vendors to the outside. It would require a better effort than we’ve seen from the capos, however.”
Howard closed out his article by indicating that if the supporters group was serious about righting the ship for the 2019 season that they would need to show some heart and effort in the upcoming games.
The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Howard starts a podcast called The Crowd Report where he calls out the fans for being under-performing except for Chad who is just a rock star as usual and will have make the hall of fame for his efforts.