Brad Friedel Bemoans Lack Of Boston Fans Beating Up Revolution Players

Boston, MA - In comments to The Boston Globe, New England Revolution head coach Brad Friedel seemed to bemoan the fact that Boston fans are not waiting for players at their cars and beating them up as a motivational tool.

So do you want me going down there……. or what?

Speaking to reporter Globe correspondent Frank Dell’Apa, Friedel stated, “The mentality of a player in this league, a lot of the players, when they lose, it doesn’t hurt enough. There’s not relegation, they don’t get fined, they don’t have fans waiting by their cars, they don’t have people beating them up. They don’t have the pressures they have in other leagues.”

Fans were later encouraged to NOT beat up players from their own team as news filtered through the Revolution camp that their head coach was upset at the lack of physical accosting and deadly assault.

“What the hell is he on,” stated one anonymous player

“Good god, man, no.” stated another anonymous player.

“I am clearly in hell,” stated another anonymous player.

We spoke to Revolution fans who were confused by these latest statements as they seemed to fly in the face of all normal decency.

“So………… am I supposed to go to the training ground and beat up Brad Knighton,” asked Sully McKenzie from Boston. “Because, um….. that seems like something that would put me in jail, but if that’s what Brad wants…..”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as the backpedal starts furiously from the league and team.
